My postings blocked from Nextdoor by Downwinders

Nextdoor readers will know that most (all?) of my postings going back (I think) to 2017 have vanished after they were flagged for “Non-local topic outside of a group” or “Spam“, thanks (I believe) to a specific vindictive downwinder. I have appealed these claims, but without success. I have contacted a number of supporters of…

Survey of Refuge neighbors, June-July 2024

Thanks to everyone who filled out the Google Forms survey!  It will stay open for a while but (like making a measurement in quantum mechanics), posting results shifts downstream responses.  As always, people living around the Refuge are enthusiastic about it AND the Greenway.  Older people living in developments farther away are more suspicious. Use…

Another municipal lamb to the Rocky Flats nonsense slaughter

(Damn–thought I’d published this on March 12th!) On Monday, March 11 the Westminster City Council appears to have capitulated to the usual earnest misinformation onslaught from the usual suspects: Peace&Justice, Jon Lipsky, Randy Stafford, Chris Allred, a Physicians for Social Responsibility spokesperson and an orchestrated phone-message campaign. This is a reminder (like Superior’s and Broomfield’s…

Doomed new lawsuit will waste tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars

Case 1:24-CV-00061, Physicians for Social Responsibility et al v. Buttigieg et al was filed on January 8. The case will appear before Judge Timothy Kelly of the DC District Court. “In the absence of intervention by this Court, the health and safety of many individuals will be at risk due to exposure to nuclear contaminants…

Claim: Rocky Flats plutonium caused Marshall Fire

A recent applicant for at-large member of the Stewardship Council made this accusation at the September 19th Zoom meeting. The idea was quickly refuted by board members.  This person appears to confuse metallic Pu (which in particle form can spontaneously burn and can react strongly with water) with PuO2, the form present in soil (indifferent…

A legitimate radiation concern for citizens: naturally radioactive brine from oil and gas wells and fracking

Rolling Stone has an important recent article by Justin Nobel [ ] tracking recent attention focussed on radiation risks to workers who haul brine. He notes, “Radium, typically the most abundant radionuclide in brine, is often measured in picocuries per liter of substance and is so dangerous it’s subject to tight restrictions even at hazardous-waste sites….